Not all of Marvel’s comic books were about caped crusaders. In fact, if you’ve ever wondered why nobody in the silver age seemed to be able to just shoot peolpe, it’s because all the guns were needed over in the western comics. This collection of 169 unrestored comic books covers the silver and bronze ages, covering a cross-section of every hero who figured that all he needed was a shootin’ iron and for his enemies to show themselves.

There would be a terrible accident involving skulls and petrol when he upgraded to a motorbike.
There would be a terrible accident involving skulls and petrol when he upgraded to a motorbike.

An amusing aspect of these straight-shooters was their focus on “Kid” characters, with the Rawhide Kid, Two-Gun Kid, Kid Colt Outlaw, Apache Kid, and various other titles you couldn’t use now without serious (and possibly prosecutable) misunderstandings. These were the last gasps of the old west in comic books, the final days before turning up with a gun wasn’t tough, it was just how you requested a non-lethal energy blast to the face.

If you’ve ever cared about the old west, this is the comic book collection for you. 169 complete comics, all complete with covers, and nine #1’s for the vintage collectors.

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